Kits listed below are: Austin Healey's, Jaguar's, Magnette, MGA, MGB, Sunbeam Tiger, Triumph Spitfire, TR-6, Early & Late Chevy Trucks, Chevy's, Camaro Gen 1 & Gen 2, Chevelle, Cobra Mark 2, 3 and 4's, Daytona Coupe, Cobra Gen-3, Corvettes 56-Present, Dearborn Deuce, Dearborn Cabriolet, GTO, Model A, T-Bird, Mustangs, and Mazda race kits.…..TOLL FREE Order NO# 877-566-5369 …..TOLL FREE
Read what Healey Marque has to say about KOOLMAT!

#97227 53-68 Austin Healey 3000 Mark III
26.5 sq. ft. of Koolmat Insulation – 7 pcs Order No. 877-566-5369
Koolmat Insulation handles extreme heat and sound. It is a composite good to 1200°F. temperatures.
Some of the builders use Weldwood paste glue available at Home Depot or Big Box Stores. Glues some have used….3M High Strength #90 Spray – 3M Yellow in a tube for tuff spots! 3M #08000 hi temp Spay glue if desired. (your shop glues are ok too) Note: The Gray side of Koolmat® must be installed up, so you can see it. The white, Glass weave side must be down against the floorboard. If trimming the Koolmat® is Required, the material can be trimmed using scissors or a razor blade. A sharp razor blade is more efficient than scissors. The Koolmat® Components for the Kit have been cut such that all mating components should be butted edge to edge. This butting of the edges together is critical to prevent unwanted heat from entering the vehicle. To ensure the proper fit, all Koolmat® components of the kit should be temporarily positioned in place before any silicone is used to secure the top pieces together. Re-adjust the position of the components as necessary to achieve the desired fit. (Make sure they fit to cover sections on the floor)

#BJ8TRN Austin Healey Mark II/III Trans Tunnel
10 sq. ft. – 2 pcs of Koolmat Insulation. Order at 877-566-5369 Toll Free
When laying the Koolmat on the tunnel, if a piece does not want
to lay down, slice it so it does lay down and where the piece split cut a separate pie piece and glue it in
place before putting silicone in the cracks where you butted the pieces together. This keeps heat out and
sound out and inside cooler. Kit comes with silicone and instructions ( glue available)
#97245 59 Austin Healey 100-6
Koolmat Insulation has 37.5 sq. ft. – 16 pcs with 1 tube silicone
Main pieces for this kit are: Driver side (A-1, A-2, A-3, A-4 and A-5) Passenger side (B-1, B-2, B-4 & B-3) Firewall in 2-piece #C-#C, Tunnel 1, 2 & 3.

#97262 56 Austin Healey BN-2
30 sq. ft. – 11 pcs Main pieces for this kit are: Order at 877-566-5369 Toll Free
Driver side (7A, 6, 11, & 9)
Passenger side (7B, 5, 4 & 8)Firewall in 2-piece
Tunnel 1, 2 & 3
Koolmat is easy to install, lay pieces down to see how they fit, add glue according to directions on the can, then lay in place. Butt close together DO NO OVERLAP. Once all pieces are glued down in place, let it set and then take the silicone and run a bead to fill the slit between the two pieces of material. This will stop heat and liquid from entering. When adding carpet, use silicone to attach the Koolmat to the bottom of the carpet (because the top of Koolmat is silicone and only silicone will stick to it. Press in place and wait over night to set up

#97254 54-57 Jaguar XK 140 (fits-120 49-53)
37.5 sq. ft. – 10 pcs Order Toll Free @ 877-566-5369

#97207 61-70 Jaguar XKE
FITS: SERIES #1 & #2, ROADSTER, 2-SEATER COUPES | E TYPE (OTS) CONVERTIBLE | DOES NOT FIT THE 2+2- use Kit #97231 27.5 sq. ft. – 20 pcs ORDER TOLL FREE AT 877-566-5369

#97218 71-74 Jaguar V-12
31.25 sq. ft. – 22 pcs
A 22 piece kit cut to fit sections of the Jaguar It will not allow any heat or sound though the material because the silicone is pushed into the fiberglass and cooked or cured to 1200°F. temperature. No glues are involved…this is why it is 100% stronger than products that are glued together. Glue burns off the product and you are starting over again. One tube of Valco clear silicone included, Glue sold separate. Order Toll Free @ 877-566-5369

#97231 67 Jaguar E Type 2+2
(Should fit all 67-70 models til the V-12 came out) 36.5 sq. ft. of Koolmat – 16 pieces with a tube of silicone. Glue sold separate. Left Hand Car Glues: we suggest Dap Weldwood HHR contact cement, user friendly and is less messy than spray glues or 3M #08000 hi temp Spay glue (should use hi-temp glues) example: 3M #08090 hi-temp spray glue or 3M Yellow in a tube (tuff spots) this glue you put on both pieces and heat up, then lay in place or you may have a shop glue that may be ok too!) Note: If the interior is presently disassembled to the point that the floorboard and console areas are exposed, begin your Koolmat® Insulation. If the section is presently assembled, either partially, or completely, begin your Koolmat installation at number #1 in this section. call 877-566-5369 for price.
#97267 69-76 Years… Jaguar XJ-6 Series #1 ,
the car is a 4 seater with a kit of 6 pieces.
( Should fit all 69-76 year Jaguar X J-6 a 4 Seater, Series 1 car. Does not come with trans but can provide an extra piece of material 15″ x 30″ you can make a pattern and cut out for the car. call 877-566-5369 for price.

#05358 53-58 Magnette Front Kit
38.75 sq. ft. – 29 pieces with 1 tube silicone. Glue sold separate.
#05358R 53-58 Magnette Rear Kit
21 sq. ft. – 9 pieces Koolmat floor kit. An easy to install floor kit pre-cut to fit each section of the Magnette. A front kit and a rear kit are sold separate.
Instructions for each kit show how to lay the pieces in place, check to see how they fit and then glue in place with your choice of glue. (3M is good ) Once it is glued in place you will take the Valco clear silicone enclosed in the kit and run a bead to seal the aries left open. This keep heat or air from coming through the crack where you butted the pieces together. Instuctions enclosed in kit and 1 tube of silicone.
Glue sold separate.

#97216F 56-62 MGA 1600 Mark II (Deluxe) Front Floor Kit
FITS: Roadster or Coupes E TYPE (OTS) CONVERTIBLE 53.25 sq. ft. of Koolmat material – 21 pcs Or you can purchase kit below. All pieces pre-cut with full instructions and tube of silicone to seal cracks. Glue sold separate.
#97216P 56-62 MGA 1600 Mark II (Primary)
42.25 sq. ft. – 10 pcs Smaller kit with only 10 pieces (no frame rails insulation included) comes with Instructions and silicone to seal floor cracks. Glue sold separate.

#97228 62-80 MGB & MGC Models
27.5 sq. ft. of Koolmat in 10 pcs
Kit has 10 pre-cut Koolmat Insulation pieces and 1 tube 11.17 oz clear silicone and instructions.
Glue sold separate.
#97261 74- MGB Early Model
30 sq. ft. – 12 pcs of Koolmat Insulation pre-cut pieces. Instrucitons and 1 tube of silicone. Glue sold separate.

#97223 62-80 Triumph Spitfire 1500
33.5 sq. ft. – 21 pieces of Koolmat with 1 tube of silicone. Glue sold separate.
#TSTI 62-80 Triumph Spitfire Trans Tunnel
5 sq. ft. – 3 pcs with a tube of silicone. Glue sold separate.

#97215 71-80 Triumph Spitfire (4) Floor Kit
28.5 sq. ft. – 15 precut pieces that easily glue into the floor. Place carpet over top.

#97234 69-76 TR6
43.25 sq. ft. – 13 pcs with 1 tube of silicone. Glue sold separate.

#97236/-213 47-55 Early 55-59 Late Chevy Truck
22.5 sq. ft. – 3 pcs
#97242 55-57 Chevy
38.75 sq. ft. – 7 pcs

1980 Chevy Pick-Up Truck

#97221 67-68-69 Camaro 1st Generation Front Floor Kit
FITS: Camaro & Convertibles 36.475 sq. ft. – 17 pcs Recommended glues: Weldwood Contact Cement in a can- Home Depot- paste on w/brush 3M #08000 hi temp Spay glue, 3M #8090 hi Temp Spray glue, 3M Super spray 90 or 77. Tuff spots use 3M Yellow in tube, slang (Gorilla snot)…or your shop glues are ok too!) DO NOT OVERLAP THE KOOLMAT…
#97222R 67-69 Camaro 1st Generation Rear Floor Kit
15 sq. ft. – 5 pcs
#97229 66-69 Chevelle
45 sq. ft. – 8 pcs
FITS: 1966, 1967, 1968 and 1969 Chevelle
Weldwood paste cement is good glue to use available at Home Depot. Glues needed: 3M High Strength #90 Spray – 3M Yellow in a tube (tuff spots) is good for areas that won’t lay down. Simply heat both sides being glued and lay in place.(use: your shop glues are ok too!) 3M #08000 hi temp Spay glue if desired for Floorboard Preparation Note: If the interior is presently disassembled to the point that the floorboard and console areas are exposed, begin your Koolmat® Insulation. If the section is presently assembled, either partially, or completely, begin your Koolmat installation at number 1 in this section. Order No. 877-566-5369 Toll Free

#05662 56-62 Corvette – Full Floor
37.5 sq. ft. – 5 pcs

#06367 63-67 Corvette – Front Floor
30 sq. ft. – 9 pcs

#06367R 63-67 Corvette – Rear Floor
26 sq. ft. – 11 pcs
The contents of your Vette Kit includes all the components below cut from Koolmat® Insulation and shown in figures #1, #2 or #3 application. (Also available: #06367 Corvette Front Kit)

#06882 68-82 Corvette – Front Floor
29.12 sq. ft. – 7 pcs

#06882R 68-82 Corvette – Rear Floor
38.5 sq. ft. – 10 pcs
#06882SS 68-82 Corvette – Side Sills
10.21 sq. ft – 02 pcs To order call 877-566-5369 Toll Free
#06882KP 68-82 Corvette – Set Kick Panels
8.12 sq. ft. – 04 pcs To order 877-566-5369 Toll Free
#07072UC 68-82 Corvette-Upper Cowl / Fuse
7.5 sq. ft. – 3 pcs
#08496 84-96 Corvette- Rear Floor
20.75 sq. ft. – 7 pcs

#97201 97- Present Corvette Front Kit
38 sq. ft. – 9 pcs Using 3M #8090 Hi Temp Spray Glue & on hard spots use 3M Yellow in a tube and heat w/gun. Valco Cincinnati Silicone (supplied in kit) is used to seal the gray side because glue will not stick to the gray side only silicone. NOTE: if the interior is presently disassembled to the point that the floorboard and console areas are exposed begin your Koolmat® installation at Number 3 in this section. If the interior is presently assembled, either partially, or completely, begin your Koolmat® installation at number 1 in this section.
#97200 97- Present Corvette Rear Kit
42.5 sq. ft. – 13 pcs of Koolmat Insulation material
Pt No. #97200 for 97 to Present Corvettes A-13 pc kit The contents of your Vette Kit includes all the components below cut from Koolmat® Insulation and shown in the line drawing below. (Also available: #97201 Front Kit, #97202 Bulkhead, #08001 Tunnel & #07501 Koolsox boot protectors. 877-566-5369 Order No.

#97202 97 – Present Corvette Bulkhead Kit
17.5 sq. ft. – 2 pcs Mark 2 pic pattern which lowers sound from the rear tire area to interior. A must to have for a quiet ride. Order at 877-566-5369 Toll Free

#97220 Dearborn Deuce Floor Kit
23.75 sq. ft. – 12 pcs with instructions and silicone for sealing. NO GLUE provided. To order call 877-566-5369 Toll Free
#97224 Deaborn Cabriolet
32.5 sq. ft. – 10 pcs To order call 877-566-5369 Toll Free
#06465 64-65 Pontiac GTO
50.5 sq. ft. – 5 pcs

#97206 55-56-57 Thunderbird Full Floor
37.75 sq. ft. – 8 pcs FITS: SERIES 1955-1956-1957 Thunderbirds Glues: some recommended by our customers: 3M #08000or #08090 hi-temp Spay glue any 3M Hi-Temp Spray glue, for (tuff spots) 3M Yellow in a tube (use: your shop glues are ok too!) Floorboard Preparation – (a must- silicone top layer cracks) Note: If the interior is presently disassembled to the point that the floorboard and console areas are exposed, begin your Koolmat® Insulation. If the section is presently assembled, either partially, or completely, begin your Koolmat installation at number 1 in this section. To order call 877-566-5369 Toll free

#97239 64-1/2 – 66 Mustang
36.25 sq. ft. – 9 pcs LOWERS SOUND & STOPS EXTREME HEAT! INSTRUCTIONS: Parts needed to install kit Glues: 3M #08000 hi temp Spay glue (can use any hi temp glue or paste glue) Glues needed: 3M #08090 hi-Temp Spray glue or Weldwood contact paste gel with no drips and can be installed with a brush or 3M Yellow in a tube for (tuff spots) or use a shop glue you are familiar with it’s ok too!) Floorboard Preparation Note: If the interior is presently disassembled to the point that the floorboard and console areas are exposed, begin your Koolmat® Insulation. If the section is presently assembled, either partially, or completely, begin your Koolmat installation at number #1 in this section. To order call 877-566-5369

#97251 1965 Mustang 2 + 2 Fastback
38.375 sq. ft. – 14 pcs LOWERS SOUND & STOPS EXTREME HEAT! INSTRUCTIONS: Glues needed: 3M #08000 or #08090 hi-Temp Spray glue like 3M Super 77, 3M Super 90 or Weldwood a Dap contact paste gel in a can with no drips and can be installed with a brush or for (tuff spots) 3M Yellow in a tube for or use a shop glue you are familiar with it’s ok too!) Floorboard Preparation Note: If the interior is presently disassembled to the point that the floorboard and console areas are exposed, begin your Koolmat® Insulation. If the section is presently assembled, either partially, or completely, begin your Koolmat installation at number #1 in this section. To order call 877-566-5369 Toll Free
#97205 79-98 Mustang Front Floor
22.5 sq. ft. – 9 pcs
#97237 90-05 Mazda – Spec Miata
7.08 sq. ft. – 2 pc To order call 877-566-5369 toll free

#97209 Cobra FF Mark II – Full kit
50 sq. ft. – 22 pcs To order call 877-566-5369 Toll free

#97210 Cobra FF Mark 2 – Back Wall kit
13.75 sq. ft. – 4 pc kit with 1 tube of silicone. Glue sold separate. to order call 877-566-5369

#97233 Cobra FF Mark 3 – Full Kit
51 sq. ft. – 30 pieces complete with fame rail insulation pieces before inner sections are put together. For those not needing a full insulation see this partial kit available through Breeze Automotive a 17 pc floor kit, email Mark for the details at markreynolds@breezeautomotive.com.
All pieces are numbered in order of installation. Pre-fit each piece prior to application of contact cement. 704-662-9099 Koolmat

#97235 Cobra FF Mark 3 – Back Wall kit
12.75 sq. ft. of Koolmat material in 6 pieces with 1 tube of silicone. Glue sold separate.
To order call 877-566-5369 Toll Free or local number 704-662-9099
#97249 Cobra FF Mark 4 – Full kit
37 sq. ft. – 14 pcs To order call 877-566-5369 Toll Free
#97250 Cobra Factory Five Full Front Floor Kit
37 sq.ft. and 1 tube of silicone to seal where material is butted together. Glue sold separate. To order call 877-566-5369 Toll Free

#97250 Cobra Factory Five Cobra Back Wall
6 pc kit with silicone and instructions. Glue sold separate.

#97247 Cobra FF 65 Daytona Coupe – Full kit
65 sq. ft. – 28 pcs To order call 877-566-5369 Toll Free
VIPER Pre-cut Floor Kits
(see Exhaust section for Viper side sill insulation)

#97212-DR 92-Present Viper GTS/RT-10 – Driver
20 sq. ft. – 6 pieces with a tube of silicone. Glue sold separate.

#97212-P 92-Present Viper GTS/RT-10 – Passenger Side
18 sq.ft. – 5 pieces with a tube of silicone, Glue sold separate. To order 877-566-5369 Toll free
#97211 03-Present Viper Comp Cpe- Driver
21.5 sq. ft. – 7 pcs

#07500V Viper Snake Socks Natural
#07500VC Viper Snake Socks in Color
Mention color wanted – Red, Blue, or Black
#08002 Competition Coupe Viper Floor Kit for the 2010 ACRX
Contact Tom Francis from DMS South Viper Racing Headquarters @ tom.francis@viperracehq.com. This kit is 4 floor pieces, black padded Viper logo tunnel top with shifter boot, Viper logo natural Koolsox. Email Tom for details. Call to order from Koolmat 877-566-5369 Toll free.

#07064 Koolboot kit
28 piece kit with pre cut Koolmat mounted around the tie rod, or ball joint or sway bar to protect the boot from melting. Includes 14 assorted pre-cut Koolmat pieces with grommets for easy fastening with 8 – 7.9″ and 6 – 14″ black UV stabilized Tie Straps and instructions with pictures. Call to order 877-566-5369 Toll free

40″ x 76″ x 1/2 – blk/gray
Stop under hood heat burning paint off your hood and yuck! 86 the foil crap….use Koolmat’s Hood Liner Insulation. Aluminum can’t reflect closed in under the hood and it ends up looking real cheap when it peels or cracks. The Koolmat Hood Liner Insulation was developed to eliminate melting paint, excessive heat under the hood, reduce road and engine noise. The Koolmat OEM Hood/Head Liner is an impressive 20 ¼”sq.ft gray polyester core with a scrim layer ½”x 40”x 76” with a black surface that repels water and lowers sound in headliner. Easily installs with your glue, original pins or clips. Black side is installed out (not shown) to repel water and weather. Cut out around any heat or light source. Bind edges to give professional look…Meets Federal Vehicle Safety Standard FMVSS 302- which requires materials to have a burn rate of less than 100mm/min. (Do Not use on or close to exhaust) Single sheet rolled for shipping.
Temp info- continuous temp of 347°F (175°C) and an intermittent temp of 400°F (204°C).
Features/Advantages: Extremely lightweight, ergonomics of assembly improved, fully recyclable, improves interior cabin sound quality, less fasteners needed for assembly Applications: under hood or carpet systems, dash inners, rear seat/ back panel insulation, localized insulation.
3M Super Glue 77

3M Super Glue 90

3M Spray Adhesive & Silicones
#09100 Valco 600° F Silicone
11.17 oz caulking tube, Clear color

Weldwood Dap Gel Paste

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